Why Your Fall Skincare Routine is More Important Than Ever

A change in weather can often mean a change in your skin’s behavior, and the way it deals with those environmental adjustments. With the introduction of protective face masks as the new norm, our skin is even more prone to looking and feeling both dull and dehydrated during the seasonal transition. So, ready to boost your routine? With fall in full swing, let’s break down some ways to make sure your skin stays healthy through the ups and downs of the autumnal season.

Pump up the moisture.

Adding a vitamin-rich moisturizer and regular face mask to your daily routine will help your skin maintain needed hydration during the changing seasons. Look for products containing ingredients that combat dehydrated skin and irritation, such as shea butter and hyaluronic acid. For added protection, implement a double-cleansing system to the mix. This will revitalize skin, while gently exfoliating and cleansing the pores of impurities. The goal is to strengthen your skin's barrier before winter arrives! 

Add a serum in your routine. 

Serums often get overlooked as being a vital part of maintaining balance in the skin, no matter what time of year. This fall season is not the time to leave one out of your routine! A hyaluronic acid based serum is beyond helpful for supporting collagen and elastin production, which directly combats the formation of fine lines and dryness that are exacerbated by the harsh weather and facial protection. The extra antioxidant boost that serums provide are essential to maintaining hydration. 

Don’t forget your SPF, even on the chilly days.

Just because we can’t always see the sun, doesn’t mean she isn't there! Truthfully, wearing an SPF should be a year-round habit, period. UVA and UVB Rays are present during all seasons, so don’t leave your skin vulnerable to that exposure, even on cloudy days. You want to apply your SPF after your moisturizer, and before your makeup.

Throw in some eye and lip care. 

The thin, delicate skin on our lips and around our eyes are the first to take a beating when the season changes. Puffiness, dark circles and fine lines can manifest even more in the colder months. If you haven’t already, now is the time (more than ever) to add in an eye and lip treatment to both your morning and night routines. Fun fact! Since the skin on your lips is  similar to the skin around your eyes, it is safe to use an eye cream or gel to protect your lips as well for added protection.  

Schedule a professional facial.

Even when we think we’ve got our routine down pat, nothing beats the services of a professional. Estheticians are here to help guide us through our skin’s changes, based on our skin type. Book a hydrating and exfoliating facial, or even a skin consultation if you’re having any burning questions about your skin’s behavior. Your esthetician will be more than happy to walk you through the right products that are prime for keeping your skin healthy not just in the fall, but all year-round.