How to Achieve Summer-Ready Skin

Your vision of immaculate summer skin probably includes a clear, glowy complexion. The reality is that hot weather, humidity and extra sun exposure can result in sweat-induced clogged pores, sunburns and dark spots if you aren't preventing these common summer skin concerns in your routine. With consistency, the perfect skincare routine will work for you year-round, but there are a few tweaks you can make to help minimize the seasonal side effects that summer can have on your skin. Read on to find out how to keep your skin looking its best throughout the summer season–and beyond.


We can’t even begin to talk about summer skincare without covering sun protection. Proper UV protection is by far the most important step in every skincare routine all year-round, but especially during the summer when the days are longer, and you’re inevitably spending more time outdoors. While we do need the sun for our daily dose of vitamin D, it doesn’t mean that we should put our health at risk. Radiation from the sun may lead to sunburn, hyperpigmentation and signs of accelerated aging. When outside, follow proper sunscreen protocol which include wearing your SPF formula every day, and reapplying at least every few hours or after swimming or sweating. 


If you haven't already, it’s time to hop on the double-cleansing bandwagon. The key to healthy, thriving summer skin begins with your pores. In a double cleanse, you're looking for a cleansing oil that gently pulls away impurities, paired with an herbal toner that provides an additional layer of removing lingering debris when used in combination with the oil. Think of your cleansing oil as your wash cycle, and your herbal toner as the rinse. When using the correct formula for your skin type, this combo serves a wide range of other benefits including hydrating, refreshing the skin and creating a ph balanced clean base for your other products to properly absorb into the skin. Keep in mind, washing your face in the morning and at night is standard all year, but it’s recommended to cleanse after sweating, or a long day outdoors in the elements.


Whether a by-product of an aggressive breakout, sun damage, or a more advanced condition, dark spots and hyperpigmentation are a common skin issue. Any inflammation in the skin can also lead to a light or dark mark, which can then be exacerbated by sun exposure. The most common causes of discoloration are  age, acne, UV damage and many other factors. To combat this, incorporate a vitamin C serum into your routine in tandem with your SPF. Vitamin C is known to reduce the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone, and serums work at a molecular level to penetrate the skin with the vitamins needed to protect against environmental stressors. This protection is essential in treating and preventing hyperpigmentation.  


There are a number of reasons as to why our skin changes during the summer, but the most obvious is an increased amount of sun exposure. As lifestyles change and the day-to-day becomes centered around outdoor activities such as hiking and swimming in salt or chlorine water, such actions could potentially wreak havoc on our skin. That said, gentle exfoliation is key to promoting a smoother, brighter complexion and sloughing away dead skin–but do so gently as the increased sun exposure can change our skin's response.. It’s recommended to use these products at night, thoroughly moisturizing afterwards.


On the topic of moisturizing, come summertime the thicker creams we use in the fall might not be the most suitable for the warmer months (or mornings) because our skin is producing more oil and sweat than usual. Consider switching to a lightweight, balancing moisturizer that provides your skin with necessary hydration while maintaining sebum production, but won’t feel heavy to wear. As a night cap , finish your nighttime skincare routine with a balancing clay mask that will further regulate your pores during the change of seasons. Applying once or twice a week will make a huge difference to your skin and give your skin a much needed break while it works its magic.


Taking the proper precautions in regards to sun protection is essential, but it’s also key to know what to do when sun damage and burns occur anyway. While we do our best to cover all of our exposed areas,  don’t assume you’ll never miss a spot with your sunscreen. That’s ideal, but not always realistic. And if your skin does get sunburnt, you want to begin addressing it as soon as possible. When this occurs, we recommend applying a calming face mask that directly addresses and relieves redness and inflammation, while both soothing and hydrating which are essential in healing the affected areas. 


Regardless of the season, remember that skincare doesn’t stop the face. While spending time outdoors exposed to the elements, your  body wash and moisture routine needs just as much priority as your face. While concerts, beaches and hiking trails are a must for summer fun, the skin on our bodies are our first line of defense when dealing with environmental pollutants and sharing communal spaces. This can look even more severe for folks with common conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and body acne just to name a few. Look for a body regimen that provides gentle exfoliation, cleansing, hydration and healing while treating, as well as  moisturizing nourishment to seal it all in.


Don’t let the spoils of summer throw you off your skincare game! Whether it’s your face, body, or exfoliation routine, one of the worst things you can do to your skin while traveling is to switch up your products for something unfamiliar you would find over-the-counter. Instead, either look for a skincare line that also offers travel sizes in your regular products, or purchase travel sized containers and fill them with your normal products. This step will go a long way in keeping your skin uncompromised and healthy while on the move.