Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Why We’re Getting Our Pink On

It’s October, and everyone from football to fashion are doing their part to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a disease that one in eight women will face in their lifetime (that’s 12% of the female population), research, education, and awareness is vital to finding a cure.

But more than raising money––as a woman-owned company that has never shied away from a fight–– Breast Cancer Awareness Month is about taking control of your health the same way you take control of your life. The bottom line? Breast cancer is unacceptable and everyone should join the cause. So here’s why we are getting our pink on and joining the worldwide fight to ensure women and men know how to check for signs of cancer in their breasts (or pecs).

  • More than 250,000 women living in the US today were diagnosed under the age of 40. And there is no effective breast cancer screening tool (yet) for women under 40 who have dense breast tissue. This makes mammograms ineffective for them. This must change.
  • Breast cancer is the leading death in Hispanic women. This must change.
  • African-American women die from breast cancer about 40% more. This must change.
  • Men carry a higher mortality rate than women because they are less likely to assume a lump is breast cancer; which can keep them from seeking treatment. This must change.

So isn’t it time we got this off our chest so to speak and take some action? Get educated, find a way to support on a local level, and let’s make a difference.